Crionics akordy a texty písní
- Satanic Syndrome 666
- Indoctrination Procedure
- Black Manifest (the Sermon To The Masses)
- Fireland
- Precipice Gaped
- When The Sun Goes Out...
- Humanmeat Cargo
- Black Warriors
- Episode Of The Falling Star
- Xenomorphized Soul Devoured
- Disconnected Minds
- Total Blasphemy
- Final Inversion
- Hell Earth
- Lunatic Gate
- Frozen Hope
- Matrix Of Piety
- Crionics
- Superiors
- New Pantheon
- Outer Empire
- Hallowed Whores
- Sacrosanct Strength
- Waterfalls Of Darkness
- Celestial Interference
- Arrival 2033
- Pagan Strength
- There Was Neither Ground Nor Firmament (Precipice Gaped)
- The Black Warriors
- Thus The Stars Were Falling
- T Armageddon's Evolution
- T Arrival 2033
- T Arrival Of Non-Parallel Aeons
- Beyond The Blazing Horizon (Outro)
- T Black Manifest (the Sermon To The Masses)
- T Black Warriors
- Blashyrkh (Mighy Ravendark)
- T Celestial Interference
- T Crionics
- Dept. 666
- T Disconnected Minds
- T Episode Of The Falling Star
- FFF (Freezing Fields Of InFinity)
- T Final Inversion
- T Fireland
- T Frozen Hope
- T Hallowed Whores
- T Hell Earth
- T Humanmeat Cargo
- Chant Of Rebel Angels
- T I Am The Black Wizards
- T Indoctrination Procedure
- Introduction
- T Lunatic Gate
- T Matrix Of Piety
- Moskau
- T Mystic Past
- NarcotiQue
- NeuThronAeon
- T New Pantheon
- T Outer Empire
- T Pagan Strength
- Perdition
- T Precipice Gaped
- T Sacrosanct Strength
- T Satanic Syndrome 666
- Scapegoat
- T Superiors
- The Black Warriors
- There Was Neither Ground Nor Firmament (Precipice Gaped)
- Thus The Stars Were Falling
- T Total Blasphemy
- T Waterfalls Of Darkness
- T When The Sun Goes Out...
- T Xenomorphized Soul Devoured