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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
Sweet little girl, ever changin
Change your ways
waste me away, again
You're bettin on freedom
To find what you like
You're headin for Austin
Ya aint comin back

When I close my eyes
The same reckoning found
I wanna see Austin
Burnt to the ground

Drivin around, drive myself crazy
I feel I'm just wastin time
I pull hard for Austin broke down inside
It took two hundred miles
To change my mind 
I turned it around 
I turned on a dime

Austin to ashes
Fire in the sky
Faith in believin
I've done everything but die

When I close my eyes
The same reckoning found
I wanna see Austin
Burnt to the ground