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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
Your head is so high
When you got the right shoes
Your head is so high (Yes it is)
Your head is so high
When you got the right shoes
Your head is so high
Your head is so high
When you got the right shoes
There's something 'bout the lows
Tells the highs what to do

Sky High
Sky High
Sky High

There's something 'bout the bass
Below the melody
There's something 'bout the bass
Yeah there's something 'bout the bass
Below the melody
There's something 'bout the bass
There's something 'bout the bass
Below the melody
There's something 'bout the lows
Tells the highs how to be

Sky High
Sky High
Sky High

There's something 'bout the tears
Coming down from your eyes
There's something 'bout the tears
There's something 'bout the tears
Coming down from your eyes
There's something 'bout the lows
Takes the highs to the sky

Sky High
Sky High
Sky High
Sky High