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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
It's hot, it's a four-alarm fricassee 
Boy this heat is killing me 
It's hot - it's hot… tonight 
It's duelling dicks in a deep-fry 
It's hot standing next to these other guys 
It's hot - it's hot… tonight 

It's sweaty snapper in a stir-fry 
A blazing sun under a red sky 
It's hot - it's hot… tonight 

It’s hot and it's sexy and it's wet
And the show ain't even over yet 
How much better can get tonight 
It's so hot I can't even think 
I need some air I need a drink 
Sweaty bodies everywhere 
Down to their underwear tonight! 

My balls are sticking to my legs 
Pass the 40; sipping dregs 
Raise the roof let's set it off 
Cause we just can get enough tonight!

It's hot - it's hot… tonight