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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
Rising from the lungs
Seeping from my pores
I see your eyes are stung
I think I want some more

And you breathe it out
And you sweat out
And you piss it out
And you work it out
And you cannot wash it
And you just can't you lose it
And I think I lost it
Well I'll always choose it

What goes in quiet
Comes out loud
I'm working from the inside out

Now I'm going with the smell
It's working very well

And you sweat it out
And you piss it out
And you bring it out
And you work it out
And you cannot loose it
And you just can't wash it
And I'll always choose it
Well I think I lost it

It's not your point I'm missing
You're just fishing

It's not your point I'm missing
You're just fishing

It's not your point I'm missing
You're just fishing

Inside out