Informace pro vás

Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
I want to be loved with inspiration, 
I want to be loved starting tonight. 
Instead of merely holding conversation 
Hold me tight! 

I want to be loved, I crave affection, 
Those kisses of yours, I’d gladly share, 
I want your eyes to shine in my direction. 
Oh, baby, make me care! 

I want the kind of romance that should be strong 
And equally as tender. 
I only ask for the chance to know the meaning 
Of the word “surrender”,  “surrender” ,  “surrender”  

I want to be thrilled by only you, dear, 
I want to be thrilled by your caress. 
I want to find each dream of mine come true, dear
I want to be loved! 

I want the kind of romance that should be strong 
And equally as tender. 
I only ask for the chance to know the meaning 
Of the word “surrender”,  “surrender” ,  “surrender”  

I want to be thrilled by only you, dear, 
I want to be thrilled by your caress. 
I want to find each dream of mine come true, dear
I want to be loved! 
I want to be loved! 
I need to be loved
I want to be loved! 
I need to be loved
I need to be loved
I want to be loved!