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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
Stumbling through an endless dark 
Always looking for the spark
That will guide me to the light
But there's no spark that shines that bright
I'm so convinced it's meant to be
That I must follow destiny
But am I right by pushing on?

It might be all wrong

All is shadow, all is shade
There's no plan and there's no fate
All is doubt and nothing's sure
Quite unclear and well obscured
All we can do is just find a way

It's an answer I can't face
So I seek rescue in some faith
A higher power guiding me
False hope of more clarity
But it's concealing like a drug
No question that I must wake up
And there's no time to hesitate

It might be too late

All is shadow, all is shade
There's no plan and there's no fate
All is doubt and nothing's sure
Quite unclear and well obscured
All we can do is just find a way