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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
I am so ashamed
Lying here again
I am not really here
Just body and skin
Starting to undress
Not even a kiss
Never thought that I
Would be a girl like this

I am not happy
I am scared to be alone
Stranger by my side
I only wake up cold

Wrong place
Wrong one
Wrong face
Wrong time
One day I'll be
Good to me

I am not ashamed
Don't put it in my head
I know I am too good
To be lying in this bed
Swallow bitterness
Choke on emptiness
I swear that it's the last time I'll be a girl like this

No more darkness
I'd rather be alone
Stranger by my side
I only wake up cold

Wrong place
Wrong one
Wrong face
Wrong time
You'll see I'll be
Good to me

I am better than you know
I am better than I know

No more darkness
I'd rather be alone
Stranger by my side
I only wake up cold

Wrong place
Wrong one
Wrong face
Wrong time
This place

Can't look

Your face
It's time
You'll see
I'll be
Good to me