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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
Out into the wild 
Indigenous child 
Surviving formidable trials 
I stand in the rain 
Scanning the plains 
In pursuit of the villainous bile 
Who sent everything that I love into flame 
Dissent is my name lamenting my claim 
The whip of a bow I'm perfecting my aim 
Revolution the game 

A brother to lead 
The Blood of the Creed 

The sting of the animus 
They bring out the man in us 
I'm the king of the kill it's unanimous 
I'm slittin your throat, red matches your coat 
The brave and the free they will band with us 
From NY to Boston it's a beautiful world to be lost in 
The snow of the frontier 
We go to hunt here 
Now the future is unclear 

Fathers of freedom are founding the future they fight 
in the face of the flames 
So ready your bayonet don't you start praying yet my 
Tomahawk has a land to reclaim 

A brother to lead 
The Blood of the Creed 

Musket guns and silver slivers 
Justice runs in crimson rivers 
Words of ancient truth we follow 
Bleed these veins into tomorrow 

I'll be a brother to lead 
I'll be the blood of the Creed