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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
After some good tokes and a six pack 
We can sock 'em out for you 
Till you're flat on your back 
You know i got to keep it up 
Cause i'm a natural man 
I'm a born hell raiser 
And i don't give a damn 
I'm the man for you baby 
I'm the man for you baby 
I'm the man for you baby 
I'm the man for you baby 
I'm the man for you 

Workin' here before your momma 
soakin wet 
You think you're satisfied 
You ain't seen nothing yet 

I'm a born ass pincher 
And i don't give a damn 
Rama lama fa fa fa… 

You can lay it down on me, momma 
Any old time 
We can shimmy so good 
We'll both be stoned O-Mind 
I'm irresistably bad 
The cooles' what am 
Robin Tyner's the name 
And i kick out the jams 
