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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
I'm alone again
Since I was born I never had a friend
A hopeless life apart
Just an outcast with the devil's marks

It's an open road
I'm takin' what I'm owed
I never have belonged
I won't lie down anymore
Cause now's the time we settle the score

Oh the lost boys
Since we were born we never had a choice
Oh the lost boys
We never had any other choice
The lost boys

I've been let down again
Fool me once never again
No one to depend
I look to the sky but this pain won't end

Where do I go now
I look to tomorrow but I can't see how
Such a tired heart
A motherless child right from the start

Where do we go now
Hate won't bring us down
We never have belonged
It's always been ours to take
We won't stop now it's not too late

Oh the lost boys
Since we were born we never had a choice
Oh the lost boys
We never had any other choice
Oh we're the lost boys
Until we die we never have a choice
Oh the lost boys
They never gave us any other choice

It's hard to not live in the past
As our hearts bleed we're dying fast
Our cuts run deep from broken class

Oh the lost boys
Since we were born we never had a choice
Oh the lost boys
We never had any other choice
Oh we're the lost boys
Until we die we'll never have a choice
Oh the lost boys
They never gave us any other choice
The lost boys