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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
It's that time of year once more and again 
When the green turns golden brown 
And the summer sun shall fade to winter sky 
Old Oak King, it's time for you to die 

The King, the Corn are born to fall 
And all must die in sacrifice 
Underneath the Harvest Moon 
Hide your pride, let time decide 
Who must live and who must die 
Underneath the Harvest Moon 

The Reaper comes for the barley and the rye 
And all must fall beneath his scythe 
Seasons change and we wait for darker days 
The Old Oak King is a-sleeping in his grave.

3xThe King, the Corn are born to fall 
And all must die in sacrifice 
Underneath the Harvest Moon 
Hide your pride, let time decide 
Who must live and who must die 
Underneath the Harvest Moon 

The King, the Corn are born to fall 
And all must die in sacrifice