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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
Moving up moving down
Keeping diamonds on the rebound
Moving up moving down
Will you ever come around?

Playing in pearls to pretend
I've got something better than
Drop the accent to assume the role

Lucky love is all I'm given
Got to keep on moving with it

Can I give you my car?
Can I give you my house?
Can I give you my high?

Do you know what I mean?
Is it really that mean?
Can we find some mean?

Moving up moving down
Keeping diamonds on the rebound
Moving up moving down
Will you ever come around?
Moving up moving down
Keeping diamonds on the rebound
Moving up moving down
Will you ever come around?

Antiquated measures hold
My body cannot be told
Keep it all together for your friends

Never had a class that I
I could call my own

Can I give you my car?
Can I give you my house?
Can I give you my high?

Do you know what I mean?
Is it really that mean?
Can we find some mean?

Moving up moving down
Keeping diamonds on the rebound
Moving up moving down
Will you ever come around?
Moving up moving down
Keeping diamonds on the rebound
Moving up moving down
Will you ever come around?

I'd give my dollars to hold you
You're powerful now
Didn't know it'd follow
We're living with it now
And feeding every doubt
It's all over soon
I'd give my dollars to
I'd give my dollars to
I'd give my dollars to

Moving up moving down
Keeping diamonds on the rebound
Moving up moving down
Will you ever come around?
Moving up moving down
Keeping diamonds on the rebound
Moving up moving down
Will you ever come around?