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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
In Through The Out Door
Out to The West
This Fascist Nation
Never Rest

Fight Back

Rulers of Hatred
We Execute Pain
Not With Our Hands
But Others We Pay

Fight Back

No Mutual Surrender
Scent of Chud
With Infinite Spirit
We Never Give Up

Fight Back

The Alter of Truth Is for The Living
The Alter of Truth Is Unforgiving

A Network of Druglords
Rule This Land
This Democracy Will
Never Stand

Fight Back

Division of Mind Is Strangulation
Division of Mind is Suffocation

The Tandem Mirror
Shatters in Two
Chaotic People
Invalidate You

Fight Back

Reprogrammed Vision
Dimension of Fright
Hollow Delusion
We All Lose Sight

Fight Back

Syringed Injection
Into Your Arm
Final Solution
Now Will Come