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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
Do you watch the shadows, dancing on your wall 
Do you float in silence, praying for the night to fall 
Baby, had to believe... 

I'm holding on forever, you're in my golden arms 
I slowly suffocate you, with my lucky charms 
Why don't I set you free 


When I close your eyes remember 
There might not be another day 
I hold you in my heart, 
and I knew it from the start 
but I couldn't let it win 
I saw it in your eyes... 
No lust for life 

When you sleep you're crying, maybe you wish for death 
When you look you're hiding, don't look away again 
Where does it end... 

There is a star descending, you reach and tough 
the light 
Your earthly body's fading, swallowed up by 
the night 
Down in the dark I stand... 
