Album Someday This Could All Be Yours Vol. 1

The pAper chAse

Album The pAper chAse - Someday This Could All Be Yours Vol. 1
2009, Kill Rock Stars
  • 1 if nobody moves nobody will get hurt (the extinction)
  • 2 im going to heaven with or without you (the forest fire)
  • 3 the common cold (the epidemic)
  • 4 the laying of hands the speaking of tongues (the mass hysteria)
  • 5 your money or your life (the comet)
  • 6 What Should We Do
  • 7 this is a rape (the flood)
  • 8 the small of your back the nape of your neck (the blizzard)
  • 9 this is only a test (the tornado)
  • 10 we have ways to make you talk (the human condition)