Album Death and the Black Work + Rex Ex Ordine Throni
2002, Debemur Morti Productions
- 1 Caput Draconis - Black Saturn
- 2 Womb Of Nyx
- 3 Feast Of The Manes
- 4 Of Silence And Exsanguination
- 5 The River Lethe
- 6 Beneath the Sands of Dudael
- 7 Cauda Draconis - Azra Lumial
- 8 The Somnambulist
- 9 The Nascent Gates of Twilight and Dawn
- 10 The Void
- 11 Mors Philosophorum
- 12 The Dark And The Silence
- 13 Vir Sapiens Dominabitur Astris
- 14 Temple of Not
- 15 The Sunken Houses of Sleep