Album Versus

2017, Ains
- 1 Beyond the Death Wall (SE)
- 2 Shinshoku (侵蝕)
- 3 Suna no tō: Tower of Imitation (砂の塔-Tower of Imitation-)
- 4 Rosary (ロザリー)
- 5 Shangri-La (シャングリラ)
- 6 REM
- 7 Tōi haru (遠い春)
- 8 「 」phobia
- 9 Icarus no yume (イカロスの夢)
- 10 Noah
- 11 Ares or Thanatos
- 12 Dancing in the Dark (ダンシンインザダーク)
- 13 is DEAD
- 14 Idea: genjitsu e no kaiki (IDEA-現実への回帰-)