Album Eto! Baš hoću!
Bijelo Dugme

1976, Jugoton
- 1 Izgledala je malo čudno u kaputu žutom krojenom bez veze (She Looked a Little Bit Weird in a Yellow Sillymade Coat
- 2 Loše vino (Bad Wine
- 3 Eto! Baš hoću! (There! I Will!
- 4 Dede bona, sjeti se, de, tako ti svega (Come on, Remember, for God's Sake
- 5 Slatko li je ljubit' tajno (It's So Sweet to Kiss Secretly
- 6 Ništa mudro (Nothing Clever
- 7 Ne dese se takve stvari pravome muškarcu (Those Things Don't Happen to a Real Man
- 8 Sanjao sam noćas da te nemam (Last Night I Dreamed that I Didn't Have You