Informace pro vás

Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
Enter the night 
With steps faster than before 
Like a boxer prepared before a fight 
They don't want to know that we are alive 

Enter the night 
Clenching fists with the dawn 
Not giving up without a fight 
They don't want to know that we are alive 

Open up your arms 
For what ever comes 

Enter the night 
The wind is colder than before 
It wants to cut us down to size 
And they don't want to know that we're alive 

Enter the nigh 
Aim to even up the score 
We'll never follow their design 
Cause they don't want to know that we're alive 

Enter the night 
Moves more decisive than before 
Like a boxer prepared before a fight 
The don't want to know that we are alive