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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
O most luscious cenobite,
you wield your whip
as though it were another appendage; 
Favor me with pleasure-pain,
rip me with your claws 
Chew me with your saw-toothed cunt 

Dead eyes alive with darkness to match their sockets, 
they blaze with unmatched cruelty 
Leave those long thorns embedded in your scalp, 
They look stuck in far enough to hurt 

Hell's polyhedron has blessed you
Your peerless beauty drips of sin 
In this time of configuration, 
blessed order shall prevail 
Two sides to the war on flesh 
Leviathan, who can't smile, beams 

Encased in leather as it is, 
I can't drink from your neck 
It shall remain its soft, cold, blue-white: 
I'll bind your pround breasts with barbed wire 
I wish to partake of their nectar... Is it pus? 

I might breach your zippers 
and open your face 
I might gag you with an urchin 
I long to hear a quiet sight escape 
your lovely lips as I bite your fettered, smooth thighs 

Love subverted, lust perverted 
Bitch-goddess Abigor's pretty face
can mask her suffering 
Make you worship both her and her needles 

Subjugate it, perforate it, 
flesh reordered isflesh of use 
I now rededicate my life 
to what Abigor has shown me