Awakening. World Suffering Twisted things emphathize with nothing. Trampling. Screaming. Uncaring He doesn't know in which place he's in. Rusty razors cut his skin Over and over and over again. Dead resolve and relentless pain. Acid's flowing within his veins. Memories suppressed deep within Resurfacing. It's growing from sin The sin of I-never-put-up-a-fight. He's looking back now: He's wasted his life. He's creator. Warden. Prisoner Builder of walls around pitiful halls. He built a lock so I threw away the key This is how little you mean to me. The spirit is void from the soul's lonely throne. There's no meat anymore. Only bone. Once-was-razors cutting your skin Screaming. Screaming. Screaming Over and over and over again And again and again And again.