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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
Walking down the lonely street 
I look around, 
There's no one out there 
I must be dreaming 
I'm so far away from home 
I'm all alone, It's so unlikely 
How strange the world is... 

I'm going crazy! Missing every moment 
Standing here baby! 
Waiting for a moment, oh... 

Now I'm sitting in the shade, 
Thinking of beautiful places 
That I have been to 
Love just passed away again 
I try to make something with my life 
I must be dreaming... 

I'm going crazy! Missing every moment 
Standing here baby! 
Waiting for a moment, oh... 


I'm going crazy! Missing every moment 
Standing here baby! 
Waiting for a moment, 
Waiting for a moment of truth.