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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
Release The Stranger Within / Surrender A Serious Human Condition / Pale To Original Sin /
Embracing The Serious Macabre Disposition

I Won’t Give Into The Fire, I Won’t Give Into The Fire

Tales Of All Evil And Morbid Sadness / Rituals And Black Masses / Demons Who Summon Horrendous Malice / The Tales That Witness Madness

Walk Among The Entity / Dreadfully Invincible Deceiving Destiny / The Light Comes To Fruition /
Is It The Devil You Know Or Just Superstition

I Won’t Give Into The Fire, I Will Give Into The Fire

Tales Of All Evil And Morbid Sadness / Rituals And Black Masses / Demons Who Summon

Horrendous Malice / The Tales That Witness Madness
I Can Affirm, My Momentary Infernal Kingdom Will Come / Lost Inside / While Disturbing My Unconscious Pariah

I’ll Never Learn / With The Angel Of Light / Comes A Provisional Burn / Valid Concerns / There’s
A Beast / That May Not Ever Return