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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
hey have waited through the ages
For a sign to bring them hope
Erecting temples to their Gods
All made of gold
I'll arrive to bring prosperity
To this land that laid in waste
I've descended from the sun
I am the one

I'm the phoenix
From the ashes I will rise
I'm the phoenix
To the fires I return
Though I've lived a thousand years
There will be a thousand more
Warch me burn
And from the ashes I'm reborn
The phoenix

I've seen nations that are wounded
Let me heel them with my tears
Restore the balance that will
Bring them love and peace
I'm the bringer of serenity
In this land that laid in waste
I've descended from the sun
I am the one