Bis akordy a texty písní
- Pop Socks
- Kandy Pop
- Rebel Soul
- Girl Star
- X-Defect
- Ninja Hi-Skool
- Brainclouds
- Monstarr
- Cubis (I Love You)
- Robotic
- Action And Drama
- I'm A Slut
- Sale Or Return
- Popstar Kill
- It's All New
- Dinosaur Germs
- I Want It All
- Hurt
- Photoshop
- Diska
- Sound of Sleet
- Cliquesuck
- Kid Cut
- Metal Box
- Eurodisco
- Dance to the Disco Beat
- The Young Mothers
- Teen-C Power
- Detour
- Beats At The Office
- (That Love Ain't) Justified
- A Portrait From Space
- T Action And Drama
- T Am I Loud Enough?
- T Antiseptic Poetry
- T Are You Ready?
- T Automatic Freestyle
- T Beats At The Office
- Black Pepper
- Brainclouds
- T Burn the Suit
- T Caustic Sofa
- Cliquesuck
- T Clockwork Punk
- T Conspiracy a-Go-Go
- Control the Radical
- T Cookie Cutter Kid
- Cubis (I Love You)
- T Dance to the Disco Beat
- T Dead Wrestlers
- T Detour
- T Dinosaur Germs
- T Diska
- Don't Let The Rain Come Down
- T Eurodisco
- T Everybody Thinks That They're Going to Get Theirs
- T Famous
- Flesh Remover
- T Girl Star
- Grand Royal With Cheese
- How Can We Be Strange?
- Hurt
- T Chicago
- T I Want It All
- T I'll Get You Back
- T I'm A Slut
- T Icky-Poo Air Raid
- Improved Neu! Formula
- T It's All New
- T Kandy Pop
- T Keroleen
- T Kid Cut
- T Kill Yr Boyfriend
- T Lie Detector Test
- T Listen Up
- Looking from a Hilltop
- T Love Will Tear Us Apart
- T Make It Through
- T Making People Normal
- Mechanical Love
- Metal Box
- Minimum Wage
- T Monstarr
- T Mr. Important
- Music Lovers
- Nation Go Yeah!- The Home Demonstrations
- T Ninja Hi-Skool
- T Photoshop
- T Plastik People
- Pop Socks
- T Popstar Kill
- T Popyura
- T Poster Parent
- T Protection
- T Public School Boy
- T Punk Rock Points
- T Rebel Soul
- Retail of the Detail
- T Robotic
- Rulers and the States
- T Sale Or Return
- Sci-Fi Superstar
- T Secret Vampires
- Sense Not Sense
- Shack Up
- T Shopaholic
- T School Disco
- T Silver Spoon
- T Skinny Tie SenSurround
- Sound of Sleet
- T Starbright Boy
- T Statement of Intent
- T Sweet Shop Avengerz
- T Team Theme
- T Teen C-Power!
- Teen-C Power
- T Tell it to the Kids
- T The End Starts Today
- T The Hit Girl
- The Young Mothers
- T Theme From Tokyo
- T This Is Fake D.I.Y
- Too Much Not Enough
- T Two Million
- T We're Complicated
- Wee Love
- T What You're Afraid Of
- T X-Defect
- T Young Alien Types
Data Panik Etcetera
I Love Bis
- 1 Kill Yr Boyfriend
- 2 Sci-Fi Superstar
- 3 Improved Neu! Formula
- 4 Public School Boy
- 5 Caustic Sofa
- 6 School Disco
- 7 Plastik People
- 8 Conspiracy a-Go-Go
- 9 Pop Socks
- 10 Icky-Poo Air Raid
- 11 Kandy Pop
- 12 Secret Vampires
- 13 Teen-C Power
- 14 Diska
- 15 Keroleen
- 16 Grand Royal With Cheese
- 17 This Is Fake D.I.Y
- 18 Burn the Suit
- 19 Dance to the Disco Beat
- 20 Nation Go Yeah!- The Home Demonstrations
Plastique Nouveau
Return to Central
Fact 2002
Music for a Stranger World
Social Dancing
- 1 Making People Normal
- 2 I'm A Slut
- 3 Eurodisco
- 4 Action And Drama
- 5 Theme From Tokyo
- 6 The Hit Girl
- 7 Am I Loud Enough?
- 8 Shopaholic
- 9 Young Alien Types
- 10 Detour
- 11 Sale Or Return
- 12 It's All New
- 13 Listen Up
The New Transistor Heroes
- 1 Tell it to the Kids
- 2 Sweet Shop Avengerz
- 3 Starbright Boy
- 4 Popstar Kill
- 5 Mr. Important
- 6 Antiseptic Poetry
- 7 Popyura
- 8 Skinny Tie SenSurround
- 9 Poster Parent
- 10 Monstarr
- 11 Everybody Thinks That They're Going to Get Theirs
- 12 Rebel Soul
- 13 Photoshop
- 14 X-Defect
- 15 Lie Detector Test
- 16 Dinosaur Germs
Atom-Powered Action!
- 1 Starbright Boy
- 2 Wee Love
- 3 Team Theme
- 4 Cliquesuck
Bis vs. the D.I.Y. Corps
The Secret Vampire Soundtrack
This Is Teen-C Power!