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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
You’re blocking the reasons
You’re blocking the pain
There’s a voice deep inside you that wants to explain
And it doesn’t seem to mean a lot to you
Not everything lost is meant to be found
So you buried your heart somewhere deep underground
And it doesn’t seem to mean a lot to you
Oh, what a feeling
I hope you’re feeling, too
Hear them calling
Hear them calling out for you
They’ll be calling for you
You receded to
A place that you once knew
Where you can’t rely on any one
‘Cause you think that you’re the only one who’s lost
Babes in the wood know better than me and you
Hear them calling
Hear them calling out for you
They’ll be calling for you
With everyone else jumping on a train
Does it mean you aught to do the same?
Hear them calling
Hear them calling out for you
They’ll be calling for you