Behind Crimson Eyes akordy a texty písní
- Your Skin Looks Good On Me
- Sex, Lies And Homicide
- The Black Veil
- Game of Life
- You've Had Your Chance
- This Is The End
- Stay With Me
- I Never Wanted This
- The Art Of War
- My Love
- Death From Above
- Destruction Is Incapable of Creation
- Dial H For Whore
- This Is Who We Are
- Addicted
- A Love Lost Can Be Beautiful
- Fear and Loathing
- White China Doll
- Children Of The Broken Hearted
- Fighting For Our Lives
- Sometimes Forever Means Never
- Empty Promises
- Preface: In Memory Of
- The Battle Of Liege
- Candy Cane And Pain
- Shakedown
- Sorry Doesn't Cut It
- Armageddonouttahere
- The Bonesmen
- My Crime Against Humanity
- A Love Lost Can Be Beautiful
- T Addicted
- Armageddonouttahere
- T Bullets for Blood
- T Candy Cane And Pain
- Coming Home
- Death From Above
- T Destruction Is Incapable of Creation
- T Dial H For Whore
- T Empty Promises
- T Fear and Loathing
- T Fighting For Our Lives
- T Game of Life
- Cherry Blossom Epitaph
- T Children Of The Broken Hearted
- T I Caused Global Warming
- T I Never Wanted This
- T Miss Heartbreaker
- T My Crime Against Humanity
- T My Love
- Nightmare On Apparition Part 6
- T Nightmare on Apparition, Part 6
- T Preface: In Memory Of
- Revenge I - Of The Cradle
- T Sex, Lies And Homicide
- T Shakedown
- T Sometimes Forever Means Never
- T Sorry Doesn't Cut It
- T Stay With Me
- The Art Of War
- T The Battle Of Liege
- T The Black Veil
- The Bonesmen
- T The Underworld
- T This Is The End
- This Is Who We Are
- T White China Doll
- T You've Had Your Chance
- T Your Skin Looks Good On Me
Prologue: The Art of War/Cherry Blossom Epitaph
Behind Crimson Eyes
Scream Out Your Name To The Night
- 1 The Art Of War
- 2 Empty Promises
- 3 The Black Veil
- 4 Sorry Doesn't Cut It
- 5 Cherry Blossom Epitaph
- 6 Revenge I - Of The Cradle
- 7 This Is The End
- 8 Game of Life
- 9 Nightmare on Apparition, Part 6
- 10 Bullets for Blood
- 11 Preface: In Memory Of
- 12 Sometimes Forever Means Never
- 13 Fear and Loathing
- 14 Destruction Is Incapable of Creation
- 15 The Battle Of Liege
A Revelation for Despair
- 1 Sex, Lies And Homicide
- 2 Children Of The Broken Hearted
- 3 Shakedown
- 4 You've Had Your Chance
- 5 White China Doll
- 6 My Crime Against Humanity
- 7 A Love Lost Can Be Beautiful
- 8 I Caused Global Warming
- 9 Your Skin Looks Good On Me
- 10 Dial H For Whore
- 11 The Bonesmen
- 12 The Underworld
- 13 Candy Cane And Pain
Pavour Nocturnus