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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
Born on a highway on a freeway ride,
Eagles come riding in the morning light,
You'd better run, hide,
Find the one you love.
Eagles fly, in the morning sun.
Eagles fly, in the Mid-day sun.
Eagles fly, eagles on the run.
Eagles fly,
Ride on the highways hear the engines scream,
Eagles in motion a thousand C. C. dream.
You'd better run, hide,
When the mornin' comes
Eagles fly, in the morning sun.
Eagles fly, in the Mid-day sun.
Eagles fly, eagles on the run.
Eagles fly,
You'd better run, hide
With the one you love.
Eagles fly, in the morning sun.
Eagles fly, in the Mid-day sun.
Eagles fly, eagles on the run.
Eagles fly,