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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
Ohh.. Time... 

They say timing... is everything 
But nothing you control 
'Cause there's always tomorrow 
But tomorrow never knows 
It's 1 day at a 

Time keeps running away 
No matter what's left behind 
It keeps on moving 
Tomorrow is not in today 
And all of your yesterdays 
Are only a matter of 
Time.. time.. 

And the journey of a lifetime 
Will begin with one step 
When you're climbing up that mountain 
It's so easy to forget 
It's one step at a time 

Time keeps running away 
No matter what's left behind 
It keeps on moving 
Tomorrow is not in today 
And all of your yesterdays 
Are only a matter of 

Keeps running away 
No matter what's left behind 
It keeps on moving 
Tomorrow is not in today 
And all of your yesterdays 
Are only a matter of 

Oh time oh... 
Whoa.. Oh... Whoa.. Ohh.. Whoa...! 
Hah! Ooooh.. I said now 

Time keeps running away 
No matter what's left behind 
It keeps on moving 
Tomorrow is not in today 
And all of your yesterdays 
Are only a matter of 