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Písnička přidána do zpěvníku. Počet vložených písniček: 1   Zobrazit zpěvník
You think you´re strong when you´re all restraining
You think you have when you´re only claiming
When I got near all I saw was fear
And I know that you tried to hide and you cried ´cause you lied about it

You knew that you had when you tried to tell it
You thought that you were when you tried to sell it
And when I got near all I saw was fear
And I know that you tried to hide and you cried ´cause you lied about it

You used the words but you´re only guessing
And you know I saw it was your brand new dressing
Well, you know the song, but you live it all wrong
And I know that you tried to hide and you cried ´cause you lied about it