Even with them walls that they put 'round you Imma be your touch Even if our laws never look the same I will move myself to your heart again I will give my all if you move for me, even for your touch Give my life and call, never let me be Even when I'm lost in this moment Even if the end is soon to come I won't be the last flare from the sun You would be the last breath in my lungs 'Cause loneliness is a criii--iiime 'Cause loneliness is a criii--iiii--oooohhhh Loneliness is a Loneliness is a crime Loneliness is a crime Loneliness is Loneliness is a lie Loneliness is a lie Don't go solo Tell 'em that your all mine Don't let this go Tell 'em when it's o-o-o-over Even if the end is coming on I won't be the last flare from the sun You would be the last breath in my lungs 'Cause loneliness is a Loneliness is a Loneliness is a lie Loneliness is a Loneliness is a lie Even if the end is soon to come I won't be the last flare from the sun You will be the last breath in my lungs Cause loneliness is a criii-iiimme Cause loneliness is a criii-iiimmeoohhhh Loneliness is a Loneliness is a lie Loneliness is a Loneliness is a lie Don't let up, just go-go-gooo Goooo -gooo -- gooo -- gooooo -- gooo Don't let up, just go, tell 'em that its oo-ooo--ooover Even if the end is coming on I won't be the last flare from the sun You would be the last breath in my lungs Loneliness is a Loneliness is a lie Loneliness is a lie Loneliness is a Loneliness is a lie Loneliness is a lie Cause loneliness is a criii--iiime Cause loneliness is a criii--iiime Cause loneliness is a criii--iiime