My fore fathers was bought and sold, raped and sodomized Now after eight hundred years you decide to apologize Apology not accepted, too late for repentin' Time to ride, homicide to William Clinton That ass rippin', penetrated with baseball bats Shoot him up with heroin and get him hooked on crack Black folks been sufferin' in the United States These United Snakes got us in divided States Shell-shocked, Hell's got to be here on Earth In the ghetto circumstances can't get no worse Certain chances we takin' to survive, we got no choices So we rappin' hopin' we can make it happen with our voices I was too smart for football, too short for hoops So I rode with the Crips and cliques thick with troops X-Raided them tricks hated but I don't give a fuck Uneducated bitches don't realize they stuck You're oblivious to the fact that your life is hideous We're holdin' our own and we don't need you to pity us Plus, we got our own kind holdin' us down Those who sold their souls, but it'll be cold When we catch you, I bet you'll receive the death sentence Turnin' racist generals into pulp non-fiction Circumcision the "G" way Murder the D.A. Hit 'em with hollow slugs, show him no lee-way It's too late for apologies fuck your sorrow Doin' it one day at a time yellin' "Fuck tomorrow!" In the streets it's crack, guns, and infected bitches Genocide on the down-low, the White Man's wishes My father figures was Arnold "Schwarzanigga" and Sly Styllone Puttin' visions of murder in a nigga's dome, early on I grew up, watchin' Al Pacino and Nino Brown Tarentino is the one who let me know how to put it down Television created a gang of niggas like me We learned how to kill at home watchin' T.V. It poisoned my mind as a youth Introduced me to money, mayhem, and murder, I'm the product it produced Let me loose to prowl, now they sayin' I'm a killer Cuz European ideology's all about the scrilla Ain't y'all feelin' the devastation you're causin' the Earth? Steady exploitin' the milk of this bitch for all that it's worth When it's ready to blow up, they gone leave this World and go on to Mars Leave us torn and everybody up will be reachin' for stars Why my people so caught up in money, cars, and bitches? Don't you realize, you're fulfillin' the White Man's wishes? Lord forgive for all the blood that his body bled And all the tears that his Mommy shed The book says "Thou Shalt Not Kill", but I've seen more blood spill Than all them vets on Hamburger Hill It's real post war syndrome I went to see my homie but his Mama told the homie been gone And every time I turn around, it's a body on the ground Fresh gun shot wounds, but he didn't hear a sound When he came out the womb, nobody told him he would be dead so soon The gauge went BOOM It's America, I know you got a cure for AIDS We need a cure for rage, on the rampage Can you feel it? The tension's in the air thick And hate got me so high I'm gettin' airsick You got my people broke, lookin' for a buck to borrow Doin' it one day at a time, FUCK TOMORROW! Fuck your song! I want revenge! I got a beretta named Vendetta Time to answer for your sins nigga And when you meet your creator tell him I said, "I apologize" But I gotta ride... [Chorus: repeat til' fade]