Hear a whisper in the night See a distant burning light That you cannot explain Oh, you try to shut it out Cover it up with all your doubts Butit won't go away Answer the cal, answer the call Got a knock upon the door Getting loud, you can't ingnore A voice is calling your name Don't you live in the status quo Don't you go where you always go It's crying out for change Answer the call, answer the call Call it inspiration, call it revelation Call it anything at all But burning deep in you Is something you have gotta do So answer, answer the call Now the path is there to take Now the choice is there to make Don't let the vision fade You'd be living in the dark Runing away from your own heart If you just turned away Answer the call, answer the call It may be the innner city Maybe your own family The mission field may lie i you But you know the Word is true And it's staring back at you So answer the call, answer the call The message is for you So whatever you do Answer, answer the call