A pounding migraine
Frantic search to find a cure
How much more can you endure?
How would you know?
The cure would be so risky
A double dose of death
Washed down with a glass of whisky
There's no escaping
The resurrection chair
There's no escaping
The resurrection chair
Psychotic killer
Not afraid of homicide
Feed the victim
A double dose of cyanide
Without warning
An unsuspecting swallow
Your life will flash before your eyes

There will be no tomorrow
There's no escaping
The resurrection chair
There's no escaping
The resurrection chair
A pounding migraine
Frantic search to find a cure
How much more can you endure?
How would you know?
The cure would be so risky
A double dose of death
Washed down with a glass of whisky
There's no escaping
The resurrection chair
There's no escaping
The resurrection chair
There's no escaping
The resurrection chair
Resurrection chair