Doomsday... Some day
But not today so far
Said this world wouldn't
Be here much longer
But look around, here we are.
Only God in his wisdom
Surely not me in mine
Knows the number of the days of a man
Every day he shows me a sign.

(Chorus:) There Goes Sundown
There Goes Sundown
There Goes Sundown again.

Some days I pray this prayer more than others
For My Lord to come
When I'm weary of fightin'
When I'm tired of runnin'.
Other days I wanna stay around
Grow old with that girl of mine
Most of the Future is out of my hands
He reminds me every day 'bout this time.

(Chorus: 2x) There Goes Sundown
There Goes Sundown
There Goes Sundown again.

(Bridge:) I Don't Believe
We've been forgotten
God's too faithful
He's too good of keeping
All his promises
He's gonna come for me
Just like he said he would.

(Chorus: 2x) There Goes Sundown
There Goes Sundown
There Goes Sundown again.