Who is sick, of this war And the one party system, oil company whores Aren't you sick of endless corporate lies from Washington to Pentagon & the London banking tribe. Fight back on every front, trash all the cameras Stick to your guns Mass media controlled by defense corporations that send your kids to die All good soldiers they do what's right Don't follow illegal orders Stop the rise of the Fourth Reich They build detention centres for all you decenters To die from torture and disease it's time to fight back, it's time for us to act And stop this corporate war machine They start locally where we have authority Before the bodies are you and me Destroy the War Machine With the truth from 9/11 Destroy the war machine, live in peace The neo cons brought the towers down They planted bombs three months before Stop the rise of the fourth reich Destroy the war machine Live in peace Stop the rise of the fourth reich With the truth of 9/11 Destroy the War Machine