Well, he was a bore and she needed more And so she took a train to the coast of Maine And she dove right in It took a while to notice That she was gone for good Now everyday he takes sometime to play And he's better man I'm floating away in this air balloon I thought if you came That we could chase the moon Imagine if you can, if you can We're floating away, we're floating away I saw an old man in Texas He was singing songs out in the street During the second song He moved his mouth a little wrong And his teeth fell out Then he says to me: "Don't you hate it when that happens?" I said, "I really wouldn't know" He said, "Sooner or later it falls apart And maybe sooner than you think" I'm floating away in this air balloon I thought if you came That we could chase the moon Imagine if you can, if you can We're floating away, we're floating away In my airballoon We're floating away, we're floating away