Something broke and was rattling around I was the reigning king, of what not to do Then you came to me and carried my crown Head over heels again, Im looking at you As a chance to make a good decision So Im telling everyone who will listen I pawned my piano, to pay for the lessons I burned down the church, to atone for my transgressions And Im not the one you run to, for the answer to most questions But I got this one I got this one I got this one .Yeah Yeah I got this one Been caught crying, when nothing was around. This time I swear I didnt get it wrong No one believes me, not anymore I cant say I blame them; Ive been a fool for so long So Im telling everyone wholl listen About a chance to make a good decision I pawned my piano, to pay for the lessons I burned down the church, to atone for my transgressions And Im not the one you run to, for the answer to most questions But I got this one I got this one I got this one You are the remedy; I wont let you slip away Even my broken clock is right twice a day Oh when I am on a mission, tell everyone wholl listen And Im using my decision for you I pawned my piano, to pay for the lessons I burned down the church, to atone for my transgressions And Im not the one you run, to for the answer to most questions I got this one I got this one I got this one... (Repeated)