I'm not the kind who'll sigh
Every time you wander by
Or weep when you were gone for just a day
But still in all my dear I really love you
In my own quiet way

I may never show I care
I confess I have no flair
For saying all the things that lovers say
But still in all my darling I adore you
In my own quiet way

I admit I'm absent-minded and forgetful
Does your birthday come in April or July
There are times when I am likely to be fretful
Or I'll pick the darnest moments to be shy

But with all my faults you'll find
I'm the true and steady kind
And it's no lie believe me when I say
Deep down inside I know I'll always love you
In my own quiet way

I admit I'm absent-minded and forgetful
Does your birthday come in April or July
There are times when I am likely to be fretful
Or I'll pick the darnest moments to be shy

But with all my faults you'll find
I'm the true and steady kind
And it's no lie believe me when I say
Deep down inside I know I'll always love you.
In my own quiet way