The English air is a face eraser And it wears away what matters as our matter fades I want to leave with you forever I wonder if I can in these dark cages If I wanna dance with you If I wanna dance with you, I have to use my remote control If I wanna dance, wanna dance, wanna dance with you, oh If I wanna dance with you I have to use my remote control Fighting over words, bad for your bones Like two lovebirds killing each other over one stone But don't worry, love will return With more love that will be gone If I wanna dance with you If I wanna dance with you, I have to use my remote control If I wanna dance, wanna dance, wanna dance with you, oh If I wanna dance with you I have to use my remote control If I wanna dance with you If I wanna dance with you If I wanna dance, wanna dance, wanna dance with you, oh If I wanna dance with you, I have to use my remote control Make a believer out of you for me Bring some relief far from the misery And we will sneak out with a victory And I'll dance with you When I wanna dance with you If I wanna dance, wanna dance, wanna dance with you If I wanna dance with you, I have to use my remote control