For distant centuries ago When long forgotten kingdoms and reigns still existed Our clandestine denomination probed the face of the earth And discovered the entrance Our knights entered the passage Entered another dimension Stronger and violently powerful With awe, they looked upon the mighty fortifications of the pandemonium His fortress he granted them Wisdom... Immortality... and prophecy Now the mortal descendants of this proud ancient people Seek annihilation of those weak in mind Of those who defile the soil with their existence Those who give their souls to Jesus Christ Steathly entrada success Wipe the jewish mess Fucking zionist disciples Semite rabid rabbi I exceed excessive pain for you In one swift stroke the new order of knights Will seize those who are true anathema Their shrieks of agony and beseechment for their lives Will be long remembered as the day of triumph among us, when the new order has banished them all To cold void vacuum And they are truly betrayed by their pity god Then a new prosperous era will begin, and a powerful empire will be built The prophecy of a forthcoming millenium