Not a star did shine that night
 Only the fullmoon erupted the jetblack sky
 As we stood and watched from the top of the hill
 It's light guided us through the valley of death
 And the mirror in the lake

 As wolfs at night we howled at the fullmoon
 Our bodies stretched to touch it's glance
 Out of reach from our mortal grasp we cry our pain
 And pray for release of our earthly confinement
 And haunted voices chilled our skin

 As eagles we flew over the vast plains
 The nocturnal landscape laid spread beneath us
 Our eyes flashed through the eerie of the dark
 The frost laid like layers around our souls
 And forever we shall rule the world

 There has always been a night such as this

 I wield my blade with pride
 Our souls at one with the dark
 My will is the law
 And before none we kneel

 I know now who I am
 It's clear written in the stars
 I know now and I have always been
 A whore to demonic works