I've got this craving around the clock And it's got a hold on me I've had it bad since the moment we met I can't get no relief You're the only train of thought on my one track mind Going ninety miles an hour baby all the time Twenty-four, seven You're the only thing that matters to me Twenty-four hours girl, every day Seven long days a week I'm in heaven, heaven Twenty-four, seven Every night when I go to sleep In my dreams there you are You're the first thing I think about And that's how the morning starts It seems like everything I say and do Is all about me being in love with you Twenty-four, seven You're the only thing that matters to me Twenty-four hours girl, every day Seven long days a week I'm in heaven, heaven Twenty-four, seven You're the only train of thought on my one track mind Going ninety miles an hour baby all the time Twenty-four, seven You're the only thing that matters to me Twenty-four hours girl, every day Seven long days a week I'm in heaven, heaven Twenty-four, seven I'm in heaven Twenty-four, seven Twenty-four hours girl, every day Seven long days a week I'm in heaven, heaven Twenty-four seven Twenty-four seven girl