Toxique akordy a texty písní
- Is this Love?
- Way
- Outlet People
- Field Lines
- Clap Trap
- Telephone
- Story
- What You Say
- White Phosphorus
- Lies
- So Into You
- Count Ten
- Be Good
- 4 Guys
- Lonely Valentine
- Honey
- Supresonic girl
- Shout
- Ring the Bells
- My Dear
- Cancel the Dreams
- Remember
- Naked Sculpture
- Tell Me Why
- Two Sides
- Bad Feelin'
- The Right Man
- Soul & Shine
- F* Business
- T 4 Guys
- T Bad Feelin'
- T Be Good
- T Cancel the Dreams
- T Clap Trap
- T Count Ten
- T F* Business
- T Field Lines
- T Honey
- T Is this Love?
- T Lies
- T Lonely Valentine
- T My Dear
- Naked Sculpture
- T Outlet People
- T Remember
- T Ring the Bells
- T Shout
- T So Into You
- T Soul & Shine
- T Story
- Supresonic girl
- T Telephone
- T Tell Me Why
- T The Right Man
- T Two Sides
- T Way
- T What You Say
- T White Phosphorus
Outlet People
- 1 Field Lines
- 2 Shout
- 3 4 Guys
- 4 Ring the Bells
- 5 White Phosphorus
- 6 What You Say
- 7 Cancel the Dreams
- 8 Lies
- 9 Supresonic girl
- 10 Outlet People
- 11 Tell Me Why
- 12 Is this Love?
- 13 Lonely Valentine
- 1 Soul & Shine
- 2 Two Sides
- 3 Be Good
- 4 Honey
- 5 Clap Trap
- 6 My Dear
- 7 The Right Man
- 8 Remember
- 9 Naked Sculpture
- 10 Telephone
- 11 Bad Feelin'
- 12 Count Ten
- 13 F* Business
- 14 So Into You
- 15 Story
- 16 Way
- 17 Two Sides