Something new and not achieved The desire for a life you still believe And do the things you want to do manifest self-complete and true You give it all you take none away The only thing that can be saved No goal attained so a thirst remains the fight for more begins again All of your talents... in total disclosure Focused the lens... to amp the exposure The gordian knot... that tests your composure Leading you to... Kinetic Closure What you have written and what you have laid is part of the fabric that can never be changed Back in the past and what you have been are only the shadows of moments within What's ending is now what's over is then The particle happening is happening again now finish what's started to punctuate clean and pay an homage to a childhood dream All of your talents... in total disclosure Focused the lens... to amp the exposure The gordian knot... that tests your composure Leading you to... Kinetic Closure