I’m not in this world To live up your expectations And you’re not in this world To live up to mine Adapt what is useful Reject what is useless And add what is Specifically your own A wise man can learn more From a foolish question That a fool can learn From a wise answer The possession of anything Begins in the mind As you think so shall you become Using no way as a way Having no limitation as limitation Be like water making its way through cracks Do not be assertive but adjust to the object Empty your mind, be formless shapeless like water Now water can flow or it can crash Be water, my friend Knowledge will give you power But character respect The key to immortality Is first living a life worth remembering To hell with circumstances, I create opportunities The doubters said, man cannot fly The doers said maybe, but well try And finally soared in the morning glow While non-believers watched from below Be like water making its way through cracks Do not be assertive but adjust to the object Empty your mind, be formless shapeless like water Now water can flow or it can crash Be water, my friend