There in the paper as plain as day I saw 
Your face was smilin' and lookin' my way it said 
You beat the odds in some game 
Five thousand dollars and fame 
I thought how you looked the same 

Can't lose the sight of you, can't lose the sound, it's just 
Like some bad penny that keeps comin' around, I think 
We've been three years now apart 
I've tried to make a new start 
But you keep tuggin' my heart 

I'm runnin' in circles around you 
I just can't let go of the past 
I'm wrappin' my world all around you 
Don't know if I'll ever let go 
I'm wrappin' my dreams all around you 
I need you much more than you know 

What fills the hours, what fills your days are you 
Lost here like I am just makin' your way down some 
Street in this cold lonely town 
Too proud to turn us around 
Or is there some new one you've found 
