See the spectres in the mist
Hear them as they howl
Hear them as they ice these veins of mine

Hero on high
Who can see above the fog
Who has lived above the clouds
How can I thrive in these times?

See the spectres in the mist
Hear them as they howl and ice these veins of mine
Hail, traveler in mist
Down among the roots
Whose eyes leap at every gust of wind

Go, learn what inhabits the mist
Nevermore to simply fear
He who knows the risks owns the future
He who fears the world is servant to the past
Traveler in mist, find the healers
Find the wise of your land

Beware the murk of the poison-mixers

Traveler in mist
Find the healers of the land
Drink of their knowledge, but only theirs
Beware the poison-mixers
They wish to distort, they wish to belittle
Drag you down with them

See the spectres in the mist
Hear them as they howl and ice the veins of mankind
Hail, traveler in mist with veins of summer flame
Bear aloft that warmth and wisdom

Knowing the shadow and shade
Knowing safe paths
Knowing clear groves, brimming streams
Together, apart
We will get through this time of mist
Through this time of mist