So far from home dressed up in gasoline, And it's time to roll, Drenched to the bone, Matches and dial tones keep that lump in his throat Somewhere caught in between, Some place where we can truly be, Alive but rest in peace! (Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh) If I'm not the one that you want, (Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh) Tell me where I went wrong Last calls to home, floorboards and sturdy rope, won't speak louder than ghosts, loved ones alone can't help but write their notes, To let all of us know Somewhere caught in between, Some place where we can truly be, Alive but rest in peace! (Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh) If I'm not the one that you want, (Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh) Tell me where I went wrong (2x) (so far from home) tell me everything you couldn't be tell me every line I shouldn't read tell me all about the pain I want to know, I want to know tell me everything you couldn't be tell me all the lines I shouldn't read tell me all about the pain I want to know, I want to know (Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh) If I'm not the one that you want, (Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh) Tell me where I went wrong (2x) Am I the one you want? (3x) Tell me where'd I go wrong?